Thursday, April 18, 2013


Title: “Jsnsnchz Kandinsky Imitation”
Artist: Jason Sanchez
Year: 2013
Medium: Water Color, Paper

          In order to make my work of art I had to understand Kandinsky’s aesthetic and style.  I had to observe what I see and make into my own language what he is trying to show.  I also learnt that he had many opportunities to see sophisticated art and got inspired by some traveling.  Kandinsky saw colors that caught his attention since a young age and it stood with him through out his career.  In his work it may be hard to know what is going on or what represents what but something is being said and that is represented in his style.  Kandinsky’s work gives us a taste of colors and unique shapes that we sometimes can’t identify.  He puts originality to his work that many artists strive to make. 

          In my imitation of Kandinsky, I got inspired by his use of color and distorted shapes.  I used many colors to come as one to make a water painting of a trip I had.  I decided to paint Lake Lucerne, Switzerland since I was inspired by Kandinsky’s traveling.  Lake Lucerne is very laid back and very comfortable.  You don’t feel rushed like New York and the views that can be seen are amazing.  Many shades of blues from the lake to the furthest mountain to the highest of the sky can be seen.  I painted the colors that remind me of Lake Lucerne and made lines to identify with what I remember.  I remember a plus signed flag and many mountains.  Through the use of significant form I was able to create “Jsnsanchz Kandinsky Imitation” in the style of Kandinsky and imitate his art.  

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